NECO SSCE Practical Specimens and Instructions to School for 2024/2025

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The National Examination Council (NECO) has officially released its practical Specimen/ Instructions to schools in preparation for the NECO 2024 June/July SSCE for school candidates. The 2024 NECO Practical specimen is out and can be accessed below.

2024 NECO Agricultural Science Practical Specimen/ Instructions to School

2024 NECO Agricultural Science Practical Specimen
2024 NECO Agricultural Science Practical Specimen

1. Great care should be taken to ensure that the information given below does not reach the candidates either directly or indirectly before the examination.

2 (a) The provision of specimens, materials, and equipment for the examination is your responsibility.

(b)i. Each candidate should be provided with the following specimens labelled accordingly:


ii. Where a specimen is not readily available in sufficient quantity, it should be shared between small groups of candidates.

The report form is provided separately on which the following information must be stated:
(a) Details of the specimens and materials provided,
(b) Any difficulty experienced by candidates especially if the examiner would not be able to discover it from the scripts.

4. A completed report form must be enclosed in an envelope containing the scripts.

Also Read: How to Receive NECO Questions and Answers Midnight Before Exam

Recommended Links:

NECO Midnight Questions and Answers

IJMB Midnight Questions and Answers

NECO SSCE Final Examination Timetable

2024 NECO Biology Practical Specimen/ Instructions to School

2024 NECO Biology Practical Specimen

2024 NECO Biology Practical Specimen

1. The information contained here is highly confidential. Therefore, efforts should be made to avoid candidates getting to know of this either directly or indirectly before the examination.

2. Each candidate should bring to the examination hall laboratory:
(a) A sharpened pencil (HB)
(b) An eraser
(c) A ruler
(d) A sharp razor blade or scalpel or knife

3. The school should provide the following for the candidates:
(i) Hand lens
(ii) Petri dish

4. Candidates should be provided with the following specimens during the examination:

A – Onion (Bulb)
B – Ginger (Rhizome)
C – Irish Potato (tuber)
D – Potted Bean seedling (A week old)
E – Potted Guinea-corn seedling (A week old)
F – Pigeon’s head with the neck
G – Atlas vertebra of a Rabbit
H – Lumbar vertebra of a Rabbit
I – Cactus plant
J – Water lettuce
K – Ripe Tomato fruit
L – Ripe Palm fruit
M – Ripe Tridax fruit
N – Ripe Mango fruit
O – Ripe flamboyant flower

5. If it is not possible to provide each candidate with all the specimens and apparatus, a set of specimens can be provided for groups of not more than ten (10) candidates.


(i) This report proforma should be released to the teacher who will set up the practicals for the candidates on the day of the examination.

(ii) A completed teacher’s report form must be enclosed in each envelope of scripts being returned to the Council.

(iii) On the report form, the teacher is requested to:
(a) Supply all necessary information with regard to the type of specimens provided.
(b) Report any general difficulty regarding the procurement of the specimen
(c) Report any particular problem experienced by any candidate during the examination.

Also Read: How to Receive NECO Questions and Answers Midnight Before Exam

2024 NECO Chemistry Practical Specimen/ Instructions to School

2024 NECO Chemistry Practical Specimen

2024 NECO Chemistry Practical Specimen

1. Great care should be taken to ensure that the information given below does not reach the candidates either directly or indirectly before the examination.

2. In addition to the apparatus and reagents expected to be available in a Secondary School Chemistry Laboratory, each candidate will require the following:

(a) One burette (50cm³)
(b) One pipette (20cm³ or 25 cm³)
However, all candidates in a centre must use pipettes of the same volume.

3. (a) The usual apparatus and reagents for qualitative work including:
(i) Dilute sodium hydroxide solution
(ii) Dilute ammonia solution
(iii) Dilute hydrochloric acid
(iv) Barium chloride solution
(v) Distilled water
(vi) Red and blue litmus papers
(vii) Copper (II) tetraoxosulphate (VI) solution
(viii) 2.0 molar solution of HCl
(ix) Soda lime solution
(x) Methyl orange
(xi) One boiling tube
(xii) Five test tubes
(xiii) Filtration apparatus
(xiv) Source of heat

4. Each candidate should be supplied with the following: An, Bn, Cn, and Dn.
Where ‘n’ is the candidate’s serial number.

(a) 150 cm³ of tetraoxosulphate(VI) acid solution in a bottle labelled “An”.
The acid solution, which should be the same for all candidates, will contain 3.8 cm³ of concentrated tetraoxosulphate(VI) acid per dm³ of solution.

(b) 150 cm³ of sodium trioxocarbonate(IV) solution in a bottle labelled “Bn”.
The solution, which should be the same for all candidates, will contain 6.00 g of sodium trioxocarbonate(IV) per dm³ of solution.

(c) One spatulaful of zinc chloride salt in a specimen bottle labelled “Cn”.

(d) Solution of powdered milk in a specimen bottle labelled “Dn

5. In all cases, more materials may be given if required.

6. The actual concentrations of A and B must be stated on the Subject Teacher’s Report Form, while the candidates should make use of the concentrations stated in the question paper.

7. Please do not substitute any substance or solution for those specified in these instructions.


8. The place for work by candidates in the laboratory should be numbered serially, and the candidates allotted these places strictly in order of their examination numbers

9. The number of every specimen supplied to each candidate should tally with his/her serial number. If a candidate is absent, his/her serial number must not be allotted to another candidate.

10. If candidates are divided into sets, the serial numbers should be continued through the sets to ensure that no serial number is repeated.

11. Ensure that the candidates record their serial numbers as well as their examination numbers on the front of their answer booklets at the beginning of the examination.


12. Ensure that a completed Teacher’s Report Form is enclosed in each envelope of scripts. This report form is provided separately.

13. Carry out the titration required of the candidates in question 1 and record the titre values which should be at least, one decimal place in the spaces provided for these in the Teacher’s Report Form. Verify the titre values before recording them.

Also Read: How to Receive NECO Questions and Answers Midnight Before Exam

2024 NECO Computer Studies Practical Specimen/ Instructions to School

2024 NECO Computer Studies Practical Specimen
2024 NECO Computer Studies Practical Specimen
A. The school authority/administrator is expected to provide the following facilities in readiness for the 2024 NECO SSCE Internal Examination for the candidates.

1. A well-ventilated computer laboratory/room to accommodate a sizeable number of students at once.

2. Stand-by generator with a capacitor to power all the systems. (Maximum 3.5 KVA)

3. Installation of application packages such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access and CorelDraw

4. A reasonable number of printers to go round the candidates.

5. UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply).


1. Hard Drive = 160GB – 320GB
2. RAM = 3GB
3. Processor = Pentium Chip
4. Processor Speed = 2.5 MHz at least
5. Operating System = Windows
6. USB ports = 2 to 4

(i) The maximum number of shifts must not be more than three. Provide the number of computer systems for the candidates in conformity with the number of shifts. For example, a school that has 120 candidates should have 120/3 = 40 computer systems.

(ii) In a school, where the number of computer systems cannot go round, candidates are allowed to use their personal computer systems (laptops), provided all required packages are installed.

(iii) Each candidate is expected to print out hard copies of his/her work for submission to the supervisor at the examination centre.

(iv) Where candidates encounter any problem with the system, the teacher is to guide them but not to operate the system.

(v) No content of a candidate’s work should be identical.

2024 NECO Data Processing Practical Specimen/ Instructions to School

2024 NECO Data Processing Practical Specimen
2024 NECO Data Processing Practical Specimen

A. The school authority/administrator is expected to provide the following facilities in readiness for the 2024 NECO SSCE Internal Examination for the candidates.

1. A well-ventilated computer laboratory/room to accommodate a sizeable number of students at once.

2. Stand-by generator with a capacitor to power all the systems. (Maximum 3.5 KVA)

3. Installation of application packages like Microsoft Word, Spreadsheet (Excel), Microsoft Access and CorelDraw

4. A reasonable number of printers to go round the candidates.

5. UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply).

(i) The school should use the number of candidates to determine number of shifts for the available computer systems where the maximum number of shifts is three. For example, a school that has 120 candidates should have 120/3 = 40 (i.e. a candidate to a computer).

(ii) In a school, where the number of computer systems are not enough, candidates are allowed to use their personal computer systems (laptops), provided all required packages are installed.


1. Hard Drive = 160GB – 320GB
2. RAM = 3GB
3. Processor = Pentium Chip
4. Processor Speed = 2.5 MHz at least
5. Operating System = Windows
6. USB ports = 2 to 4

(i) Each candidate is expected to print out his/her hard copy (ies) of his/her work for submission to the supervisor at the examination centre.

(ii) Where candidates encounter any problem with the system, the teacher is to guide them but not to operate the system.

2024 NECO Physics Practical Specimen/ Instructions to School

2024 NECO Physics Practical Specimen

2024 NECO Physics Practical Specimen

1. Adequate measure should be taken to ensure that the information given below does not reach the candidates either directly or indirectly before the Examination.

2. In addition to the usual apparatus in a physics laboratory, each candidate will require mathematical tables and geometrical instruments. In questions 1, 2 and 3, the apparatus listed below are required.

– Two Retort stands
– Drawing board
– One fixed pulley
– Drawing papers
– Five thumb pins
– Set of masses
– Mass = 30 g covered and labelled W
– Two mass hangers
– Twine

– Rectangular glass prism
– Drawing board
– Drawing papers
– Four optical pins
– Four thumb pins

– 2 V accumulator or two x 1.5 V dry Leclanché cell
– Voltmeter (0-3 V)
– 2 Ω Resistor
– Connecting wires
– Jockey
– Key
– 100 cm constantan wire (SWG26)


3. The following announcements should be made to the candidates at the beginning of the examination.

“The Examiner does not want you to waste your time because you cannot proceed with an experiment. Any candidate, therefore, who cannot get on with the experiment, after spending ¼ hour on it should call on me and ask for help”.

4. The Physics teacher is allowed to give a hint to any of the candidates who is unable to proceed with the experiment.

5. The following regulations must be strictly adhered to:
(a) No hint may be announced to the candidates as a whole
(b) A candidate who is unable to proceed and requires assistance must call on the teacher and state his/her difficulty
(c) The candidate(s) should be told that the Examiner will be informed of any assistance given in this way
(d) A note must be made on the Report Form of any assistance given to any of the candidates with the name and examination number of the candidate

6. The Report Form is provided separately on which the following should be stated:
(a) Detailed information about the apparatus where necessary
(b) Any particular difficulty experienced by any of the candidates, especially if the Examiner would be unable to discover this from the script
(c) Any departure from the specified items which could not be avoided
(d) Any assistance given to the candidate(s) under the regulations explained in “5”.

7. Where several sets of apparatus are provided for a question and specific information about the apparatus is required by the Examiner, each piece of apparatus must be clearly marked with letters A, B, C, D, etc. Also, the corresponding information must be clearly reported, showing which apparatus was supplied to which candidate. The candidate(s) should be instructed to record these letters on their script(s).

8. The teacher must enclose a completed Report Form in each envelope of scripts.

Also Read: How to Receive NECO Questions and Answers Midnight Before Exam

2024 NECO Technical Drawing Practical Specimen/ Instructions to School

2024 NECO Technical Drawing Practical Specimen

Each school is expected to provide the following equipment, instruments and materials for each candidate offering Technical Drawing:

1. Drawing table/Drawing board
2. Tee square
3. Scale rule
4. Protractor
5. Set squares
6. Drawing instrument set
7. French curves or Flexible rubber
8. Clips or Masking tape
9. Pencils – 2H, H and HB
10. Eraser, Erasing shield and Brush
11. Sharpener/Razor blade


1. NECO Midnight Questions and Answers

2. IJMB Midnight Questions and Answers

3. NECO SSCE Final Examination Timetable

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