TASCE Post UTME/DE Form for 2022/2023 Academic Session (OOU Degree Affiliation)

Tai Solarin College of Education

Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the DEGREE programmes of the Tai Solarin College of Education, Omu Ijebu in affiliation with Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU Degree Affiliation) for the 2022/2023 academic session.

TASCE Available Courses

1. Arts


Political Science

Social Studies

2. Languages

3. Sciences

Computer Sciences



Business Education

5. Education

Guidance & Counseling

TASCE Eligibility and Entry Requirements

B.Sc. (Ed.) in Economics, Social Studies, Computer Science, Political Science and Mathematics and B.Ed. in Business Education and

Guidance & Counselling. should contact the Centre for Degree Programme (CEDEP) of the College for further details.

How to Apply TASCE (OOU Degree Affiliation) Admission Form

Candidates should apply online with the payment of screening fee of Two thousand naira only (#2,000.00). In addition, a portal access fee of five thousand naira only (#5,000) payable with Master card or VISA ATM card (Please print out your receipt after payment).

1. Apply for the Admissions process by visiting this link:  https://my.tasce.edu.ng/admission/pros/dashboard.php?subsch=2 and click on the “Apply” button (Please fill the form correctly and supply a VALID EMAIL ADDRESS because an ACTIVATION LINK will be sent to the email address you provided)

2. Check your email Inbox (or Spam) for the Activation Link. Follow the link back to the Admission Portal.

(You MUST Activate your Account, to confirm the validity of your email address, before proceeding with the Application)

3. Once you are logged in to the Admission Portal, Click on the ‘Pay Application Fee’ to make your Online Payment with your ATM card

(You need to make the payment before filling the Application Form)

4. If your payment is APPROVED, go to the Payment History link to PRINT your Receipt. However, click on the ‘Check Status’ link to Update DECLINED or PENDING transactions.

5. Carefully fill the online Application Form with the required information and upload necessary scanned Documents (PDF format only) and Passport

6. Confirm the information on the Application Form before Clicking on the Submit button. Once you submit the Application Form, you can not edit.

7. Print the Application form and check back later to Print the Screening Slip with the Screening date on it

Candidates participation in the screening exercise is a mandatory requirement for entry into the Tai-Solarin College of Education in affiliation with OOU Degree programmes.

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